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Registration for preschool classes begins in January for the upcoming school year. Children currently enrolled, their siblings, and members of the St. Timothy congregation are eligible to register in January, and then registration opens to the community in February. The list below shows a brief description of what classes we offer as well as their schedules and tuition (the tuition costs are based on a yearly cost divided by monthly payments):

    2025-26 Class Offerings:

    • 2½ Year Old Class
      (child must be 2 before February 2)

      This class will focus on weekly themes including an art project, story, snack, and play time each day.

    • Little Lambs: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, $130/month

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  • 3 Year Old Classes
    (must be 3 before September 1)

    These classes provide experiences with letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and many hands-on projects.

    • Teddy Bears: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9:15 – 11:45 AM, $160/month
    • Panda Bears: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:15 – 11:45 AM, $135/month

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    • 4 Year Old (Pre-K) Class
      (must be 4 before September 1)

      Each week in this class the children will discover letters, numbers, shapes and colors through art, circle time activities, finger plays, songs, science activities and stories that relate to the theme of the week. Some examples of our weekly themes this year are apples, fire safety, nutrition, dinosaurs and space.

    • Lively Lions: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9:45 AM – 12:15 PM, $175/month


Here is how to enroll your child for the 2025-26 school year:

  • It is helpful but not necessary to contact the director for a tour before you register. To schedule a tour, please fill out the information requested under the Contact Us tab.

  • As soon as possible, complete the registration form (found under the Forms tab), and make a check payable to St. Timothy Lutheran Church for the non-refundable registration fee of $40 per family. Send the completed registration form and payment to St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 4200 Carlisle Pike, Camp Hill, PA 17011. You will receive an email from the director once your payment has been received.

  • By May 15, 2025, complete the student information, medical, and release forms (found under the Forms tab), and make a check payable to St. Timothy Lutheran Church for the May 2026 tuition payment (see the monthly tuition cost above for the class that you are registering your child for). Send the completed forms and payment to St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 4200 Carlisle Pike, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (St. Timothy Preschool cannot reserve a place in a class for your child beyond May 15, 2025 until the May 2026 payment has been received, provided there is still an available opening). You will receive an email from the director once your payment has been received.